General Solution equals Particular Solution plus Complementary Function

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Consider the linear first order ODE with constant coefficients:

$(1): \quad \dfrac {\d y} {\d x} + a y = \map Q x$

The general solution to $(1)$ consists of:

the particular solution to $(1)$ for which the constant of integration is $0$


the complementary function to $(1)$.


From Solution to Linear First Order ODE with Constant Coefficients, $(1)$ has the general solution:

$\ds y = e^{-a x} \int e^{a x} \map Q x \rd x + C e^{-a x}$

Setting $C = 0$ we get:

$\ds y = e^{-a x} \int e^{a x} \map Q x \rd x$

which is a particular solution to $(1)$

By definition, the complementary function to $(1)$ is the general solution to the reduced equation:

$\dfrac {\d y} {\d x} + a y = 0$

From First Order ODE: $\dfrac {\d y} {\d x} = k y$, that general solution of $(1)$ is:

$y = C e^{-a x}$

Hence the result.



I am beginning to wonder whether the author of the source work from which this result is taken really understands the material he is presenting.
