Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/281 - A Match Puzzle/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $281$

A Match Puzzle
The $16$ squares of a chessboard are enclosed by $16$ matches.
It is required to place an odd number of matches inside the square so as to enclose $4$ groups of $4$ squares each.
There are $4$ distinct ways to do this, up to reflection and rotation.


In each case $11$ matches are used:

Dudeney-Puzzles-and-Curious-Problems-281-solution1.png $\qquad$ Dudeney-Puzzles-and-Curious-Problems-281-solution2.png
Dudeney-Puzzles-and-Curious-Problems-281-solution3.png $\qquad$ Dudeney-Puzzles-and-Curious-Problems-281-solution4.png
