Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/342 - A Wily Puzzle

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $342$

A Wily Puzzle
An unscrupulous advertiser offered a hundred dollars for a correct solution to this puzzle:
A life prisoner appealed to the king for pardon.
Not being ready to favour the appeal, the king proposed a pardon on condition that the prisoner should start at cell $A$
and go in and out of each cell of the prison, coming back to the cell $A$ without going into any cell twice.
Either the advertiser had no answer, and knew he had none,
or he was prepared to fall back on some trick or quibble.
What is the best answer the reader can devise that may be held to comply with the advertiser's conditions as given?

Click here for solution
