Hypothetical Syllogism/Formulation 1/Proof 2

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\(\ds p\) \(\implies\) \(\ds q\)
\(\ds q\) \(\implies\) \(\ds r\)
\(\ds \vdash \ \ \) \(\ds p\) \(\implies\) \(\ds r\)


This proof uses $\mathscr H_2$, Instance 2 of the Hilbert proof systems.

Recall the sequent form of the Hypothetical Syllogism:

$\vdash \paren {q \implies r} \implies \paren {\paren {p \implies q} \implies \paren {p \implies r} }$

Applying the Rule of Detachment $\text {RST} 3$ twice, we obtain:

$\vdash \paren {p \implies q} \implies \paren {p \implies r}$

and subsequently:

$\vdash p \implies r$

as desired.

