Intersection of Closed Set with Compact Subspace is Compact
Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.
Let $H \subseteq S$ be closed in $T$.
Let $K \subseteq S$ be compact in $T$.
Then $H \cap K$ is compact in $T$.
Proof 1
Let $\tau_K$ be the subspace topology on $K$.
Let $T_K = \left({K, \tau_K}\right)$ be the topological subspace determined by $K$.
By Closed Set in Topological Subspace, $H \cap K$ is closed in $T_K$.
By Closed Subspace of Compact Space is Compact, $H \cap K$ is compact in $T_K$.
By Compact in Subspace is Compact in Topological Space, $H \cap K$ is compact in $T$.
Proof 2
Let $\family {U_\alpha}$ be an open cover of $H \cap K$:
- $\ds H \cap K \subseteq \bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha$
- $\ds K \subseteq \bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha \cup \paren {S \setminus H}$
Since $H$ is closed in $T$, $\paren {S \setminus H}$ is open in $T$.
Hence $\family {U_\alpha} \cup S \setminus H$ is an open cover of $K$.
We have that $K$ is compact in $T$.
It follows by definition that a finite subcover:
- $\set {U_{\alpha_1}, U_{\alpha_2}, \ldots, U_{\alpha_n}, S \setminus H}$
of $K$ exists.
- $H \cap K \subseteq \set {U_{\alpha_1}, U_{\alpha_2}, \ldots, U_{\alpha_n} }$
and $H \cap K$ is compact in $T$.