Linear Ratio Scale/Examples/Grams and Ounces

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Examples of Linear Ratio Scales

The scales for the measurement of weight in grams and ounces are linear ratio scales.

Let $w_1$ and $w_2$ be two weights measured as $10 \, \mathrm g$ and $20 \, \mathrm g$ on the gram scale.

It is noted that $\dfrac {w_2} {w_1} = 2$.

On the ounce scale, we have that $w_1$ and $w_2$ measure as $0 \cdotp 35 \, \mathrm {oz}$ and $0 \cdotp 70 \, \mathrm {oz}$ respectively.

As can be seen, once again $\dfrac {w_2} {w_1} = 2$.
