Magnitude of Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction

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Let $B$ be a body moving in an inertial frame of reference $\FF_1$.

Let an observer $O$ be in a different inertial frame of reference $\FF_2$.

Let $v$ be the magnitude of the relative velocity of $\FF_1$ with respect to $\FF_2$.

Let $l$ be the length of $B$ in the direction of the relative velocity of $\FF_1$ with respect to $\FF_2$.

Let $l'$ be the length of $B$ in the direction of the relative velocity of $\FF_1$ with respect to $\FF_2$ as measured by $O$.


$l' = l \sqrt {1 − \dfrac {v^2} {c^2} }$

where $c$ denotes the speed of light.

