Mathematician:Alexander Osipovich Gelfond

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Russian mathematician and prolific writer (Russian: Алекса́ндр О́сипович Ге́льфонд) best known for the Gelfond-Schneider Theorem.

Established in $1929$ that $e^\pi$ is transcendental.

Not to be confused with Israel Moiseevich Gelfand.




  • Born: 24 Oct 1906, St Petersburg, Russia
  • Died: 7 Nov 1968, Moscow, Russia

Theorems and Definitions

Results named for Alexander Osipovich Gelfond can be found here.

Definitions of concepts named for Alexander Osipovich Gelfond can be found here.


  • 1929: The arithmetic properties of entire functions
  • 1929: Transcendental numbers (in which the Gelfond-Schneider Theorem was first conjectured)
  • 1930: An outline of the history and the present state of the theory of transcendental numbers
  • 1933: Gram determinants for stationary series (with Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin)
  • 1933: A necessary and sufficient criterion for the transcendence of a number
  • 1933: Functions that take integer values at the points of a geometric progression
  • 1934: On the seventh problem of D Hilbert
  • 1934: On the seventh problem of Hilbert
  • 1936: Ischislenie konechnykh raznostey (The calculus of finite differences) (second edition 1952)
  • 1952: Transcendentnye algebraicheskie chisla (Transcendental and algebraic numbers)
  • 1952: Solving equations in integers (English translation 1960)
  • 1962: Elementary methods in the analytic theory of numbers (with Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik)
  • 1966: Residues and their applications
