Mathematician:David Roxbee Cox
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British mathematician working mainly in the field of statistics.
- Born: 15 July 1924, Birmingham, England
- Died: 18 January 2022
Theorems and Definitions
- Cox Process
- Box-Cox Transformation (with George Edward Pelham Box)
- Box-Cox Distribution (with George Edward Pelham Box)
- 1953: The superimposition of several strictly periodic sequences of events (Biometrika pp. 1 – 11) (with W.L. Smith)
- 1954: On the superposition of renewal processes (Biometrika Vol. 41: pp. 91 – 99) (with W.L. Smith)
- 1957: On the distribution of Tribolium confusum in a container (Biometrika Vol. 44: pp. 328 – 335) (with W.L. Smith)
- 1958: Planning of experiments
- 1961: Queues (with Walter L. Smith)
- 1964: An Analysis of Transformations (J.R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Vol. 26, no. 2: pp. 211 – 252) (with G.E.P. Box)
- 1965: The Theory of Stochastic Processes (with H.D. Miller)
- 1969: Analysis of binary data (with Joyce E. Snell)
- 1974: Theoretical statistics (with D.V. Hinkley)
- 1980: Point processes (with Valerie Isham)
- 1981: Applied statistics, principles and examples (with Joyce E. Snell)
- 1984: Analysis of survival data (with David Oakes)
- 1989: Asymptotic techniques for use in statistics (with Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen)
- 1992: The collected works of John Tukey (as editor)
- 1994: Inference and asymptotics (with Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen)
- 1995: Multivariate dependencies, models, analysis and interpretation (with Nanny Wermuth)
- 1996: Time series models in econometrics, finance and others (with D.V. Hinkley and Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, as editors)
- 2000: The theory of design of experiments (with Nancy M. Rei)
- 2000: Complex stochastic systems (with Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Claudia Klüppelberg)
- 2001: One Hundred Years (with D.M. Titterington, as editors)
- 2003: Components of variance (with P.J. Solomon)
- 2006: Principles of Statistical Inference
- 2014: Christopher Clapham and James Nicholson: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (5th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Cox, Sir David FRS (1924- )