Number of Significant Figures in Result of Addition or Subtraction

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Let $m$ and $n$ be numbers.

Let $d_m$ and $d_n$ be the position of the least significant digit of $m$ and $n$ respectively.

Then the least significant digit in either $m + n$ or $m - n$ is in the position corresponding to the greater significant digit of $d_m$ and $d_n$.



Significant Figures of $3 \cdotp 16 + 2 \cdotp 7$

$3 \cdotp 16 + 2 \cdotp 7 = 5 \cdotp 9$

Significant Figures of $83 \cdotp 42 - 72$

$83 \cdotp 42 - 72 = 11$

Significant Figures of $47 \cdotp 816 - 25$

$47 \cdotp 816 - 25 = 22 \cdotp 816$

on the assumption that $25$ is exact.
