Number of Significant Figures in Result of Multiplication/Examples/8.416 x 50

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Example of Use of Number of Significant Figures in Result of Multiplication

$8 \cdotp 416 \times 50 = 420 \cdotp 8$

on the assumption that $50$ is exact.


We have that:

the number of significant figures $d_m$ in $8 \cdotp 416$ is $4$
the number of significant figures $d_n$ in $50$ is unlimited

So from Number of Significant Figures in Result of Multiplication:

the number of significant figures in $8 \cdotp 416 \times 50$ can be no more than $\min \set {4, \infty}$, that is $4$.

\(\ds 8 \cdotp 416 \times 50\) \(=\) \(\ds 420 \cdotp 8\) by calculation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 420 \cdotp 8\) to $4$ significant figures

