Open Ball in Infinite-Dimensional Normed Vector Space is not Weakly Open

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Let $\GF \in \set {\R, \C}$.

Let $\struct {X, \norm {\, \cdot \,} }$ be a normed vector space over $\GF$ with weak topology $w$.

Suppose that $\dim X = \infty$.

Let $\map {B_r} x$ be the open ball in $X$ with radius $r > 0$ and center $x \in X$.

Then $\map {B_r} x$ is not weakly open.


From Translation of Open Set in Normed Vector Space is Open and Dilation of Open Set in Normed Vector Space is Open, it suffices to show that $\map {B_1} 0$ is not weakly open.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that $\map {B_1} 0$ is weakly open.

From Initial Topology on Vector Space Generated by Linear Functionals is Locally Convex, $\struct {X, w}$ is a locally convex space induced by:

$\set {p_f : f \in X^\ast}$

with $p_f : X \to \hointr 0 \infty$ defined by:

$\map {p_f} x = \cmod {\map f x}$

for each $x \in X$.

From Open Sets in Standard Topology of Locally Convex Space, there exists $f_1, \ldots, f_n \in X^\ast$ and $\epsilon > 0$ such that:

$\set {y \in X : \cmod {\map {f_k} y} < \epsilon \text { for each } 1 \le k \le n} \subseteq \map {B_1} 0$

Define $T : X \to \GF^n$ by:

$T x = \tuple {\map {f_1} x, \map {f_2} x, \ldots, \map {f_n} x}$

for each $x \in X$.

Suppose that:

$\ds \bigcap_{i \mathop = 1}^n \ker f_i = \set {\mathbf 0_X}$

Then $\ker T = \set {\mathbf 0_X}$.

So $T$ is injective, and is therefore a bijection onto $T \sqbrk X$.

So $T$ is a vector space isomorphism between $X$ and $T \sqbrk X$.

So we have:

$\dim X = \dim T \sqbrk X$

From Dimension of Image of Vector Space under Linear Transformation is Bounded Above by Dimension of Vector Space, we have:

$\dim T \sqbrk X \le n$

and so $\dim X \le n < \infty$, contrary to our assumption that $\dim X = \infty$.

So we must have:

$\ds \bigcap_{i \mathop = 1}^n \ker f_i \ne \set {\mathbf 0_X}$

Pick $x \ne \mathbf 0_X$ with:

$\ds x \in \bigcap_{i \mathop = 1}^n \ker f_i$

Then for each $\lambda \in \GF$, we have $\cmod {\map {f_i} {\lambda x} } = \cmod \lambda \cmod {\map {f_i} x} = 0 < \epsilon$ for each $1 \le i \le n$.

So $\lambda x \in \map {B_1} 0$ for each $\lambda \in \GF$.

But then, for each $\lambda \in \GF \setminus \set 0$, we have:

$\ds \norm x < \frac 1 {\cmod \lambda}$

Taking $\lambda \to \infty$ we obtain $\norm x = 0$.

Hence $x = \mathbf 0_X$ from Norm Axiom $\text N 1$: Positive Definiteness, contrary to our assumption that $x \ne \mathbf 0_X$.
