Category:Proofs by Contradiction
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Pages in category "Proofs by Contradiction"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,258 total.
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- Abelian Group Factored by Prime
- Abelian Group is Simple iff Prime
- Abelian Group of Order Twice Odd has Exactly One Order 2 Element
- Abelian Group of Order Twice Odd has Exactly One Order 2 Element/Proof 2
- Absolute Value is Many-to-One
- Absolute Value of Components of Complex Number no greater than Root 2 of Modulus
- Absolutely Convergent Generalized Sum Converges to Supremum
- Absolutely Convergent Product Does not Diverge to Zero
- Absolutely Convergent Product Does not Diverge to Zero/Proof 1
- Absolutely Convergent Product Does not Diverge to Zero/Proof 2
- Accumulation Points of Sequence of Distinct Terms in Infinite Particular Point Space
- Additive Group and Multiplicative Group of Field are not Isomorphic
- Additive Group of Real Numbers is Not Isomorphic to Multiplicative Group of Real Numbers
- Additive Group of Real Numbers is Not Isomorphic to Multiplicative Group of Real Numbers/Proof 3
- Template:AimForCont
- Alexander's Compactness Theorem
- Alexandroff Extension of Rational Number Space is Connected
- Algebra from Cayley-Dickson Construction is not Real Star-Algebra
- Algebraic Element of Degree 3 is not Element of Field Extension of Degree Power of 2
- Algebraic Structures formed by Left and Right Operations are not Isomorphic for Cardinality Greater than 1
- All Bases of Matroid have same Cardinality
- Alternative Definition of Ordinal in Well-Founded Theory
- Altitude, Median and Perpendicular Bisector Coincide iff Triangle is Isosceles
- Anomalous Cancellation on 2-Digit Numbers
- Antiassociative Operation has no Idempotent Elements
- Antilexicographic Order/Examples/Unit Square with Open Side
- Antiperiodic Element is Multiple of Antiperiod
- Antireflexive and Transitive Relation is Asymmetric
- Area of Circle/Proof 3/Lemma 2
- Area of Circle/Proof 3/Lemma 3
- Arens-Fort Space is not Countably Compact
- Arens-Fort Space is not First-Countable
- Asymmetric Relation is Antireflexive
- Auxiliary Approximating Relation has Interpolation Property
- Axiom of Approximation in Up-Complete Semilattice
- Axiom of Archimedes/Variant
- Axiom of Choice implies Zorn's Lemma
- Axiom of Choice implies Zorn's Lemma/Proof 2
- Axiom of Foundation (Strong Form)
- Axiom of Foundation (Strong Form)/Proof 2
- Axiom of Pairing from Powers and Replacement
- Axiom of Specification from Replacement and Empty Set
- Axioms of Hilbert Proof System Instance 1 for Predicate Logic are Tautologies
- Backward Path of Well-Ordering is Finite
- Banach Space is Reflexive iff Normed Dual is Reflexive
- Banach-Steinhaus Theorem/Normed Vector Space
- Banach-Steinhaus Theorem/Normed Vector Space/Proof 3
- Banach-Steinhaus Theorem/Topological Vector Space
- Basic Universe has Infinite Number of Elements
- Basic Universe is not Set
- Basis Expansion of Irrational Number
- Beatty's Theorem
- Beatty's Theorem/Proof 1
- Beatty's Theorem/Proof 2
- Bernstein's Theorem on Unique Global Solution to y''=F(x,y,y')/Lemma 1
- Bertrand-Chebyshev Theorem
- Bertrand-Chebyshev Theorem/Proof 1
- Bertrand-Chebyshev Theorem/Proof 2
- Bessel's Inequality/Corollary 1
- Between two Rational Numbers exists Irrational Number/Lemma 1
- Between two Rational Numbers exists Irrational Number/Lemma 2
- Bijective Continuous Linear Operator is not necessarily Invertible
- Binary Operation on Natural Numbers on which Congruence Relations induce Convex Equivalence Classes
- Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem/Lemma 1
- Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem/Element Extension Lemma
- Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem/Extension Lemma
- Bound on C0 Semigroup
- Boundary of Spectrum of Element in Subalgebra of Unital Banach Algebra
- Boundary of Spectrum of Element in Subalgebra of Unital Banach Algebra/Proof 2
- Bounded Above Subset of Real Numbers/Examples/Open Interval from 0 to 1
- Bounded Below Subset of Real Numbers/Examples/Open Interval from 0 to 1
- Bounded Below Subset of Real Numbers/Examples/Real Numbers
- Bounded Generalized Sum is Absolutely Convergent
- Branch of Finite Tree is Finite
- Bridge divides Graph into Two Components
- Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem/One-Dimensional Version
- Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem/One-Dimensional Version/Proof Using Connectedness
- Bézout's Identity/Euclidean Domain
- Cantor's Diagonal Argument/Corollary
- Cantor's Theorem
- Cantor's Theorem (Strong Version)
- Cantor's Theorem (Strong Version)/Proof 2
- Cantor's Theorem (Strong Version)/Proof 2/Induction Step
- Cantor's Theorem (Strong Version)/Proof 2/Induction Step/Proof 1
- Cantor's Theorem (Strong Version)/Proof 2/Induction Step/Proof 2
- Cantor's Theorem/Proof 1
- Cantor's Theorem/Proof 2
- Cantor's Theorem/Proof 3
- Cardinal Equal to Collection of All Dominated Ordinals
- Cardinalities form Inequality implies Difference is Nonempty
- Cardinality of Mapping
- Cartesian Product of Infinite Set Equivalent to Itself implies Axiom of Choice
- Cartesian Product with Proper Class is Proper Class
- Cauchy Mean Value Theorem
- Cauchy's Inequality
- Cauchy's Inequality/Proof 1
- Center of Group of Order Prime Cubed
- Character on Banach Algebra is Continuous
- Character on Unital C*-Algebra is Real at Hermitian Elements
- Characterisation of Jacobson Radical
- Characterisation of Non-Archimedean Division Ring Norms/Corollary 2
- Characterisation of UFDs
- Characteristic of Field by Annihilator/Characteristic Zero
- Characteristic of Field by Annihilator/Prime Characteristic
- Characteristic of Subfield of Complex Numbers is Zero
- Characterization of Bases (Hilbert Spaces)
- Characterization of Closure by Open Sets
- Characterization of Hausdorff Property in terms of Nets
- Characterization of Injective Linear Transformations with Closed Image/Corollary
- Characterization of Norm-to-Weak and Weak-to-Weak Continuity of Linear Transformations
- Characterization of Openness in terms of Nets
- Characterization of Pseudoprime Element when Way Below Relation is Multiplicative
- Characterization of Spectrum of Bounded Linear Operator in Hilbert Space in terms of Approximate Eigenvalues
- Characterization of T0 Space by Closures of Singletons
- Characterization of T0 Space by Distinct Closures of Singletons
- Characterizing Property of Infimum of Subset of Real Numbers
- Characterizing Property of Supremum of Subset of Real Numbers
- Chord Lies Inside its Circle
- Chords do not Bisect Each Other
- Circle is Bisected by Diameter
- Circle is Bisected by Diameter/Proof 1
- Circles Touch at One Point at Most
- User:CircuitCraft/Emulation Theorem/Lemma
- User:CircuitCraft/Sandbox
- Circuits of Matroid iff Matroid Circuit Axioms
- Circuits of Matroid iff Matroid Circuit Axioms/Circuits of Matroid implies Formulation 1
- Circuits of Matroid iff Matroid Circuit Axioms/Lemma 1
- Class has Subclass which is not Element
- Class of All Cardinals is Proper Class
- Class of All Ordinals is Minimally Superinductive over Successor Mapping
- Class of All Ordinals is Proper Class
- Class of All Ordinals is Proper Class/Proof 2
- Class of Infinite Cardinals is Proper Class
- Clopen Set contains Components of All its Points
- Closed Balls Centered on P-adic Number is Countable/Lemma
- Closed Bounded Subset of Real Numbers is Compact
- Closed Bounded Subset of Real Numbers is Compact/Proof 1
- Closed Extension Topology is not Hausdorff
- Closed Real Interval is Compact
- Closed Real Interval is Compact/Topological Space
- Closed Set of Uncountable Finite Complement Topology is not G-Delta
- Closed Set/Complex Analysis/Examples/Closed Unit Circle
- Closed Topologist's Sine Curve is not Path-Connected
- Closed Unit Interval is not Countably Infinite Union of Disjoint Closed Sets
- Closure of Irreducible Subspace is Irreducible
- Closure of Irreducible Subspace is Irreducible/Proof 1
- Closure of Irreducible Subspace is Irreducible/Proof 3
- Closure of Pointwise Operation on Algebraic Structure
- Collatz Conjecture
- Collatz Conjecture/Failed Proof
- Commutative and Associative Product on Space of Distributions does not Exist
- Compact First-Countable Space is Sequentially Compact
- Compact Hausdorff Topology is Maximally Compact
- Compact Hausdorff Topology is Minimal Hausdorff
- Compact Operator on Hilbert Space Direct Sum
- Compact Set of Rational Numbers is Nowhere Dense
- Compact Sets in Countable Complement Space
- Compact Subspace of Linearly Ordered Space
- Compact Subspace of Linearly Ordered Space/Lemma 1
- Compact Subspace of Linearly Ordered Space/Reverse Implication
- Compact Subspace of Linearly Ordered Space/Reverse Implication/Proof 2
- Compact Subspace of Metric Space is Sequentially Compact in Itself
- Comparison Test for Convergence of Power Series
- Complement of Bounded Set has Exactly One Unbounded Component
- Complement of Lower Section is Upper Section
- Complement of Prime Ideal of Ring is Multiplicatively Closed
- Complement of Subset with Property (S) is Closed under Directed Suprema
- Complement of Symmetric Relation
- Complete and Totally Bounded Metric Space is Sequentially Compact
- Complete and Totally Bounded Metric Space is Sequentially Compact/Proof 2
- Completely Irreducible and Subset Admits Infimum Equals Element implies Element Belongs to Subset
- Completely Irreducible Element equals Infimum of Subset implies Element Belongs to Subset
- Completely Irreducible implies Meet Irreducible
- Completeness Theorem for Semantic Tableaux
- Complex Cosine Function is Unbounded
- Complex Cosine Function is Unbounded/Proof 2
- Complex Numbers cannot be Extended to Algebra in Three Dimensions with Real Scalars
- Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure
- Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure/Proof 1
- Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure/Proof 2
- Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure/Proof 3
- Complex Numbers under Multiplication do not form Group
- Complex Sine Function is Unbounded
- Component of Complement of Jordan Curve has Curve as Boundary
- Component of Finite Union in Ultrafilter
- Composition of 3 Mappings where Pairs of Mappings are Bijections
- Composition of Continuous Mapping on Compact Space Preserves Uniform Convergence
- Condition for Agreement of Family of Mappings
- Condition for Composite Relation with Inverse to be Identity
- Condition for Denesting of Square Root/Lemma
- Condition for Differentiable Functional to have Extremum
- Condition for Invertibility in Power Structure on Associative or Cancellable Operation
- Condition for Open Extension Space to be Separable
- Condition for Partition between Invertible and Non-Invertible Elements to induce Congruence Relation on Monoid
- Condition for Planes to be Parallel
- Condition for Rational to be Convergent
- Condition for Relation to be Transitive and Antitransitive
- Condition for Straight Lines in Plane to be Parallel/General Equation