Orbit of Trivial Group Action is Singleton

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Let $\left({G, \circ}\right)$ be a group whose identity is $e$.

Let $S$ be a set.

Let $*: G \times S \to S$ be the trivial group action:

$\forall \left({g, s}\right) \in G \times S: g * s = s$

Let $s \in S$.

Then the orbit of $s$ under $*$ is $\left\{{s}\right\}$.


By definition:

$\operatorname{Orb} \left({s}\right) = \left\{{t \in S: \exists g \in G: g * s = t}\right\}$

By definition of the trivial group action:

$\forall g \in G: g * s = s$

Hence the result.

