Property of being Totally Ordered is of Finite Character

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Let $P$ be the property of sets defined as:

$\forall x: \map P x$ denotes that $x$ is totally ordered under a relation $\RR$.

Then $P$ is of finite character.

That is:

$x$ is totally ordered under $\RR$

if and only if:

every finite subset of $x$ is totally ordered under $\RR$.


Sufficient Condition

Let $x$ be totally ordered under $\RR$.

Let $y \subseteq x$.

From Restriction of Total Ordering is Total Ordering it follows that $y$ is also a totally ordered under $\RR$.

This holds in particular if $y$ is a finite set.

Hence every finite subset of $x$ is totally ordered under $\RR$.


Necessary Condition

Let every finite subset of $x$ be totally ordered under $\RR$.

Let $a, b, c \in x$ be arbitrary.

As $\set a$ is totally ordered under $\RR$:

$a \mathrel \RR a$

As $a$ is arbitrary, it follows that:

$\forall a \in x: a \mathrel \RR a$

and so $\RR$ is reflexive on $x$.

As $\set {a, b}$ is totally ordered under $\RR$:

$a \mathrel \RR b \land b \mathrel \RR a \implies a = b$

As $a$ and $b$ are arbitrary, it follows that:

$\forall a, b \in x: a \mathrel \RR b \land b \mathrel \RR a \implies a = b$

and so $\RR$ is antisymmetric on $x$.

As $\set {a, b, c}$ is totally ordered under $\RR$:

$a \mathrel \RR b \land b \mathrel \RR c \implies a \mathrel \RR c$

As $a$, $b$ and $c$ are arbitrary, it follows that:

$\forall a, b, c \in x: a \mathrel \RR b \land b \mathrel \RR c \implies a = c$

and so $\RR$ is transitive on $x$.

As $\set {a, b}$ is totally ordered under $\RR$:

$a \mathrel \RR b \lor b \mathrel \RR a$

As $a$ and $b$ are arbitrary, it follows that:

$\forall a, b \in x: a \mathrel \RR b \lor b \mathrel \RR a$

and so $\RR$ is connected on $x$.

So $\RR$ is reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive and connected on $x$.

That is, $x$ is totally ordered under $\RR$.

