Relational Closure from Transitive Closure

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Let $A$ be a set or class.

Let $\RR$ be a relation on $A$.

Let $\RR^+$ be the transitive closure of $\RR$.

Let $B \subseteq A$.

Let $B' = B \cup \map {\paren {\RR^+}^{-1} } B$.

Let $C$ be an $\RR$-transitive subset or subclass of $A$ such that $B \subseteq C$.


$B'$ is $\RR$-transitive
$B' \subseteq C$
If $B$ is a set and $\RR$ is set-like then $B'$ is a set. That is, $B'$ is the relational closure of $B$ under $\RR$.


$B'$ is $\RR$-transitive

Let $x \in B'$ and $y \in A$, and let $y \mathrel \RR x$.

If $x \in B$, then by the definition of transitive closure:

$y \mathrel {\RR^+} x$


$y \in B'$

Let $x \in \map {\paren {\RR^+}^{-1} } B$.


$x \mathrel {\RR^+} b$

for some $b \in B$.

Since $\RR \subseteq \RR^+$, it follows that:

$y \mathrel {\RR^+} x$

Since $\RR^+$ is transitive:

$y \mathrel {\RR^+} b$

That is:

$y \in \map {\paren {\RR^+}^{-1} } B$

so $y \in B'$.

As this holds for all such $x$ and $y$, $B'$ is $\RR$-transitive.


$B' \subseteq C$

Let $x \in B'$.

Then $x \in B$ or $x \in \map {\paren {\RR^+}^{-1} } B$.

Let $x \in B$.

Then because $B \subseteq C$:

$x \in C$

Suppose that $x \in \map {\paren {\RR^+}^{-1} } B$.

Then for some $b \in B$:

$x \mathrel \RR b$

By the definition of transitive closure:

for some $n \in \N_{>0}$ there exist $a_0, a_1, \dots, a_n$ such that:
$x = a_0 \mathrel \RR a_1 \mathrel \RR \cdots \mathrel \RR a_n = b$

Thus by the Principle of Mathematical Induction:

$x \in C$


Set-like implies set

Let $B$ be a set.

Let $\RR$ be set-like.

Then by Inverse Image of Set under Set-Like Relation is Set:

$\paren {\RR^+}^{-1}$ is a set.

Thus $B'$ is a set by the Axiom of Unions.
