Remainder is Arithmetically Definable

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Let $\operatorname{rem}: \N^2 \to \N$ be defined as:

$\map \rem {n, m} = \begin{cases}

\text{the remainder when } n \text{ is divided by } m & : m \ne 0 \\ 0 & : m = 0 \end{cases}$ where the $\text{remainder}$ is as defined in the Division Theorem:

If $n = m q + r$, where $0 \le r < m$, then $r$ is the remainder.

Then there exists a $\Sigma_1$ WFF of $3$ free variables:

$\map \phi {r, n, m}$

such that:

$r = \map \rem {n, m} \iff \N \models \map \phi {\sqbrk r, \sqbrk n, \sqbrk m}$

where $\sqbrk a$ denotes the unary representation of $a \in \N$.



$\map \phi {r, n, m} := \paren {m = 0 \land r = 0} \lor \paren {m \ne 0 \land r < m \land \exists q: n = \paren {m \times q} + r}$

Suppose $m = 0$.

Then, only the first case:

$m = 0 \land r = 0$

can possibly hold.

Therefore, the formula holds if and only if $r = 0$, which matches the definition.

Suppose $m \ne 0$.

Then, only the second case:

$m \ne 0 \land r < m \land \exists q: n = \paren {m \times q} + r$

can possibly hold.


$r < m \land \exists q: n = \paren {m \times q} + r$

is the definition of $r$.

Therefore, in all cases:

$r = \map \rem {n, m} \iff \N \models \map \rem {\sqbrk r, \sqbrk n, \sqbrk m}$


Finally, that $\phi$ is $\Sigma_1$ follows from:

Conjunction of Existential Quantifier
Existential Quantifier Distributes over Disjunction
