Strong Twin Prime Conjecture/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Strong Twin Prime Conjecture

The Strong Twin Prime Conjecture was proposed by Godfrey Harold Hardy and John Edensor Littlewood in $1923$, as a special case of the First Hardy-Littlewood Conjecture.

François Le Lionnais and Jean Brette present this as:

Un argument probabiliste montre que, s'il existe une infinité de nombres premiers jumeaux, alors de nombre de ceux qui sont situés dans l'intervalle $\sqbrk {x, x + a}$ est de l'ordre de $C \cdot \dfrac a {\paren {\Log x}^2}$ avec $C = 1,32 \ldots$

In English:

A probabilistic argument shows that, if there exists an infinite number of twin primes, then the number of those which are situated in the interval $\closedint x {x + a}$ is of the order of $C \cdot \dfrac a {\paren {\Log x}^2}$ where $C = 1,32 \ldots$

They also appear to attribute it to Viggo Brun.
