Symbols:Arithmetic and Algebra/Plus or Minus
Plus or Minus
- $\pm$
$a \pm b$ means $a + b$ or $a - b$, often seen when expressing the two solutions of a quadratic equation.
Its $\LaTeX$ code is \pm
Arbitrary Example $1$
Let $x^2 = 49$.
- $x = \pm 7$
This means that the equation $x^2 = 49$ has $2$ solutions: $x = 7$ and $x = -7$.
Arbitrary Example $2$
Consider the expression $a = b \pm 2$.
This means that $a$ and $b$ are related by $a = b + 2$ or $a = b - 2$.
Also see
- $\pm$
Gives an indication of the precision of an observation.
Let $a$ be a measurement of a physical quantity whose true value is $x$.
Then we say:
- $x = a \pm b$
which means that:
- Given the observation $a$, it is known that $x$ is between $a - b$ and $a + b$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\pm\) is \pm
- $\pm$
Defines a range in which a number may lie.
$x = a \pm b$ means $a - b \le x \le a + b$.
In the context of engineering, it is known as a tolerance, arising from the idea that any number within $\pm b$ of $a$ is a within a tolerable range of the desired value.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\pm\) is \pm
The despicable political term zero tolerance was supposedly coined as a reflection of the above engineering definition.
It of course takes someone with an actual mathematical or engineering background to understand how poisonously unachievable such an aspiration is.
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): plus/minus sign
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Appendix: Table $7$: Common signs and symbols: plus/minus sign
- 2021: Richard Earl and James Nicholson: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (6th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Appendix $19$: Symbols and abbreviations: Real and Complex Numbers