Symbols:Arithmetic and Algebra/Division

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$\div$, $/$

Divided by.

A binary operation on two numbers or variables.

$x \div y$ and $x / y$ both mean $x$ divided by $y$, or $x \times y^{-1}$.

$x / y$ can also be rendered $\dfrac x y$ (and often is -- it tends to improve comprehension for complicated expressions).

$x \div y$ is rarely seen outside grade school.

Their $\LaTeX$ codes are as follows:

The $\LaTeX$ code for \(x \div y\) is x \div y .
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(x / y\) is x / y .
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\dfrac {x} {y}\) is \dfrac {x} {y} .

Also known as

The division sign $\div$ is also known as a obelus.

The $/$ sign is known as the solidus.

Historical Note

The division sign $\div$ first appeared in print in $1659$ in Teutsche Algebra by Johann Heinrich Rahn.

The solidus sign $/$ was recommended by Augustus De Morgan in $1845$ as a way to simplify the printing of fractions.
