T3 Space with Sigma-Locally Finite Basis is Perfectly T4 Space/Lemma 2

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a $T_3$ topological space.

Let $\BB$ be a basis for $T$.

Let $G$ be open in $T$.


$\CC = \set{B \in \BB : B^- \subseteq G}$

where $B^-$ denotes the closure of $B$ in $T$.


$\CC$ is a is a cover of $G$


Let $x \in G$.

From Characterization of T3 Space:

$\exists U \in \tau : x \in U : U^- \subseteq G$

where $U^-$ denotes the closure of $U$ in $T$.

By definition of basis:

$\exists B \in \BB : x \in B : B \subseteq U$

From Topological Closure of Subset is Subset of Topological Closure:

$B^- \subseteq U^-$

From Subset Relation is Transitive:

$B^- \subseteq G$


$B \in \CC$

Since $x$ was arbitrary, we have:

$\forall x \in G : C \in \CC : x \in C$

Hence $\CC$ is a cover of $G$ by definition.
