Talk:Inertia Principle

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Fairly sure this has already been solved, or at least something very similar. We have a proof that if a sequence has a limit which is different from zero, eventually we reach a point where all values are the same side of zero. This is just an application of that, or vice versa.

It needs a good tidy up because in its current form it's difficult to read. --prime mover 13:54, 27 October 2011 (CDT)

... Tidied a bit, and corrected where it said $1$ a couple of times where it should have said $l$. Needs to be referred to already proven results, and in particular could (and perhaps should) be proved directly from the fact of $\langle a_n \rangle$ being a Cauchy sequence. Might be worth putting into eqn template shape.
Finally, the origin of the name needs to be explored. The only place I've seen it used in this context is in the student room: --prime mover 14:10, 27 October 2011 (CDT)