Ultrafilter Lemma
Let $S$ be a set.
Every filter on $S$ is contained in an ultrafilter on $S$.
Let $S$ be a non-empty set.
Let $\AA$ be a set of subsets of $S$.
Suppose that $\AA$ has the finite intersection property.
Then there is an ultrafilter $\UU$ on $S$ such that $\AA \subseteq \UU$.
Proof using Axiom of Choice
Let $\Omega$ be the set of filters on $S$.
From Subset Relation is Ordering, the subset relation makes $\struct {\Omega, \subseteq}$ a partially ordered set.
Let $C \subseteq \Omega$ be a non-empty chain.
Then $\bigcup C$ is again a filter on $S$.
Thus $\bigcup C$ is an upper bound of $C$.
Indeed, if $A, B \in \bigcup C$ then there there are filters $\FF, \FF' \in C$ with $A \in \FF$ and $B \in \FF'$.
We have that $C$ is a chain.
Without loss of generality, let $\FF \subset \FF'$.
Thus $A \in \FF'$.
- $A \cap B \in \FF'$
In particular:
- $A, B \in \bigcup C$
For any $\FF \in \Omega$ there is therefore by Zorn's Lemma a maximal element $\FF'$ such that:
- $\FF \subseteq \FF'$
The maximality of $\FF'$ is in this context equivalent to $\FF'$ being an ultrafilter.
Proof using Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem
Let $\FF$ be a filter on $S$.
Let the power set of $S$ be ordered by inclusion.
Then, by Filter on Set is Proper Filter, $\FF$ is a proper filter on $\powerset S$.
By Filter is Ideal in Dual Ordered Set, $\FF$ is an ideal in the dual of $\powerset S$.
By Singleton of Bottom is Ideal, $\set \empty$ is an ideal in $\powerset S$.
By Ideal is Filter in Dual Ordered Set, $\set \empty$ is a filter on the dual of $\powerset S$.
By the definition of Filter on Set, $\empty \notin \FF$, so $\FF$ and $\set \empty$ are disjoint.
Therefore, by the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem, there is a prime ideal $\GG \supseteq \FF$ that is disjoint from $\set \empty$.
By Prime Ideal is Prime Filter in Dual Lattice, $\GG$ is a prime filter on the dual of the dual of $\powerset S$.
Thus, $\GG$ is a prime filter on $\powerset S$ by Dual of Dual Ordering.
But $\GG$ is disjoint from $\set \empty$, which implies that $\empty \notin \GG$.
Therefore, $\GG$ is a proper filter.
Thus, by Proper and Prime iff Ultrafilter in Boolean Lattice, $\GG$ is an ultrafilter on $\powerset S$.
But by comparing the definitions, $\GG$ is thus an ultrafilter on $S$.
Also known as
The Ultrafilter Lemma can also be referred to as:
- the ultrafilter principle
- the ultrafilter theorem
and abbreviated UL or UF.
Also see
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