Union of Ordinals is Least Upper Bound
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Let $A \subset \On$.
That is, let $A$ be a class of ordinals (every member of $A$ is an ordinal).
Then $\bigcup A$, the union of $A$, is the least upper bound of $A$:
- $\ds \forall x \in A: x \le A$
- $\ds \forall y \in A: y \le x \implies \bigcup A \le x$
First, we must show that $\ds \bigcup A$ is an upper bound.
Take any member $a \in A$.
Then by Subset of Union:
- $\ds a \subseteq \bigcup A$
By Ordering on Ordinal is Subset Relation:
- $a \le A$
By generalizing for all $a \in A$:
- $\ds \forall x \in A: x \le \bigcup A$
Similarly, suppose now that $x$ is an upper bound of $A$.
We shall denote $<$ for ordering on the ordinal numbers.
By Ordering on Ordinal is Subset Relation and Transitive Set is Proper Subset of Ordinal iff Element of Ordinal, $<$ is the same as both $\in$ and $\subsetneq$.
\(\ds z \in \bigcup A\) | \(\leadsto\) | \(\ds \exists y: \paren {z \in y \land y \in A}\) | Definition of Union of Set of Sets | |||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(\leadsto\) | \(\ds \exists y: \paren {z \in y \land y < x}\) | by hypothesis (as $y \in A$, $y < x$) | |||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(\leadsto\) | \(\ds z \in x\) | transitivity of $\in$: see Alternative Definition of Ordinal |
Thus, by definition of subset:
- $\ds \bigcup A \subseteq x$
- $\ds \forall y \in A: y \le x \implies \bigcup A \le x$
- 1971: Gaisi Takeuti and Wilson M. Zaring: Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory: $\S 7.20$, $\S 7.21$