User talk:Shahab

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Welcome to ProofWiki! Since you're new, you may want to check out the general help page. It's the best first stop to see how things are done (next to reading proofs, of course!). Please feel free to contribute to whichever area of mathematics interests you, either by adding new proofs, or fixing up existing ones. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, or post your question on the questions page.

Here are some useful pages to help get you started:

  • Community Portal - To see what needs to be done, and keep up to date with the community.
  • Recent Changes - To keep up with what's new, and what's being added.
  • Main Page talk - This is where most of the main discussions regarding the direction of the site talk place. If you have any ideas, please share them!

Cheers, Cynic (talk)

Good work on the contributions. Many thanks.

A couple of things to bear in mind ...

1. We are trying to make this site something other than just a clone of Wikipedia. We appreciate that the latter contains lots of proofs to be plundered (I'm doing that myself when I find good ones), but we are trying not to just cut and paste text straight from there to here.

2. What we are also trying to do is to make sure that every proof and definition provides a link to a proof (or definition) of each statement (or term) used. If such a proof or definition does not exist, then we try to put the link in anyway, so that it will be flagged up on the "Wanted pages" list in the "Special pages" link. The ultimate plan is that every proof and definition can be traced right back to its source, so that (in theory) *anyone* can read a page and work out exactly what it means without needing any background knowledge at all.

Please carry on the good work - the main aim at the moment is to get as much mathematics on here as possible. Tidying up and restructuring will happen, but in the mean time please feel free to continue doing what you're doing. --Prime.mover 14:19, 26 December 2009 (UTC)

Theorems and names and things

Hey, great work so far! Always great to get new contributors. In regards to the question you asked Matt (In case he's not around today): Our goal is to prove anything and everything in Mathematics, so even unamed theorems,lemmas, corollaries, etc. So if it doesn't have a name, then you can make one up. We try to be as specific about them as possible, Matt has a quite a handle on naming the unamed. If you need suggestions just browse though the pages and see what others have been named, or as someone. Hope that helps. --Joe (talk) 15:23, 26 December 2009 (UTC)

... what he said. --Prime.mover 15:29, 26 December 2009 (UTC)

Answer to Q

Is it a convention on proof wiki that a term appearing multiple times in a proof be linked multiple times as well.

Only because that's the way I try to do it. There's 2 schools of thought. Some do it (me) some don't (everyone else). --Prime.mover 22:28, 30 December 2009 (UTC)

I personally favor linking any terms the first time they appear in the statement of the theorem, and then again the first time they appear in the proof. As long as they're linked at least at the first appearance, it's probably fine. --Cynic (talk) 03:17, 31 December 2009 (UTC)