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$119$ (one hundred and nineteen) is:

$7 \times 17$

The $5$th term of the $2$nd $5$-tuple of consecutive integers have the property that they are not values of the divisor sum function $\map {\sigma_1} n$ for any $n$:
$\tuple {115, 116, 117, 118, 119}$

The $9$th number after $1$, $3$, $22$, $66$, $70$, $81$, $94$, $115$ whose divisor sum is square:
$\map {\sigma_1} {119} = 144 = 12^2$

The $38$th semiprime:
$119 = 7 \times 17$

The $55$th (strictly) positive integer after $1$, $2$, $3$, $\ldots$, $77$, $78$, $79$, $84$, $90$, $91$, $95$, $96$, $102$, $108$, $114$ which cannot be expressed as the sum of distinct primes of the form $6 n - 1$

Also see