Category:Continuous Functional Calculus
This category contains results about Continuous Functional Calculus.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Continuous Functional Calculus.
Let $\struct {A, \ast, \norm {\, \cdot \,} }$ be a unital $\text C^\ast$-algebra.
Let $x \in A$ be normal.
Let $\map {\sigma_A} x$ denote the spectrum of $x$ in $A$.
Let $\iota : \map {\sigma_A} x \to \C$ be the inclusion mapping.
Let $\Theta_x : \map \CC {\map {\sigma_A} x} \to A$ be a unital $\ast$-algebra homomorphism such that:
- $\map {\Theta_x} \iota = x$
where $\map \CC {\map {\sigma_A} x}$ is the space of continuous functions on $\map {\sigma_A} x$.
We call $\Theta_x$ the continuous functional calculus of $x$.
For $f \in \map \CC {\map {\sigma_A} x}$, we define:
- $\map f x = \map {\Theta_x} f$
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Continuous Functional Calculus"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
- Continuous Function applied to Normal Element of Unital C*-Algebra is Hermitian iff Function is Real-Valued
- Continuous Function applied to Normal Element of Unital C*-Algebra is Positive iff Function is Non-Negative
- Continuous Function applied to Normal Element of Unital C*-Algebra is Unitary iff Function is Valued in Unit Circle
- Continuous Function Vanishing at Zero applied to Normal Element of Closed Ideal of Unital C*-Algebra is contained in Ideal
- Continuous Functional Calculus Commutes with Character on Generated C*-Subalgebra
- Continuous Functional Calculus obeys Composition
- Continuous Functional Calculus of Reciprocal is Inverse Element