Category:Definitions/Cantor's Theory of Sets
This category contains definitions related to Cantor's Theory of Sets.
Related results can be found in Category:Cantor's Theory of Sets.
Georg Cantor's set theory builds upon Richard Dedekind's notion that an infinite set can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself.
However, he noticed that not all infinite sets are of the same cardinality.
While he appreciated that the sets of integers, rational numbers and algebraic numbers have the same cardinality as each other, aleph-null ($\aleph_0$), the set of real numbers have a different (larger) cardinality.
On noticing that the power set of a set has a strictly larger cardinality than the set itself, he realised that there is an infinite number of these transfinite numbers.
Pages in category "Definitions/Cantor's Theory of Sets"
This category contains only the following page.