Category:Half Angle Formula for Tangent

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This category contains pages concerning Half Angle Formula for Tangent:

\(\ds \tan \frac \theta 2\) \(=\) \(\ds +\sqrt {\dfrac {1 - \cos \theta} {1 + \cos \theta} }\) for $\dfrac \theta 2$ in quadrant $\text I$ or quadrant $\text {III}$
\(\ds \tan \frac \theta 2\) \(=\) \(\ds -\sqrt {\dfrac {1 - \cos \theta} {1 + \cos \theta} }\) for $\dfrac \theta 2$ in quadrant $\text {II}$ or quadrant $\text {IV}$

where $\tan$ denotes tangent and $\cos$ denotes cosine.

When $\theta = \paren {2 k + 1} \pi$, $\tan \dfrac \theta 2$ is undefined.