Category:Total Charge carried By Electron in Hydrogen Atom

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This category contains pages concerning Total Charge carried By Electron in Hydrogen Atom:

Consider an atom of hydrogen $\mathrm H$.


$\ds \int_V \map {\rho_{\mathrm {el} } } {\mathbf r} \rd \tau = -\E$


$\d \tau$ is an infinitesimal volume element
$\mathbf r$ is the position vector of $\d \tau$
$V$ is a volume large enough to completely enclose $\mathrm H$
$\map {\rho_{\mathrm {el} } } {\mathbf r}$ is the electric charge density caused by the charge on the electron in the electron cloud at $\mathbf r$
$\E$ is the elementary charge.

Pages in category "Total Charge carried By Electron in Hydrogen Atom"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.