Classification of Compact One-Manifolds
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Every compact connected one-dimensional manifold is diffeomorphic to either a circle or a closed interval.
A compact one-manifold has an even number of points in its boundary.
Lemma 1
Let $f$ be a function on $\closedint a b$ that is smooth and has a positive derivative everywhere except one interior point, $c$.
Then there exists a globally smooth function $g$ that agrees with $f$ near $a$ and $b$ and has a positive derivative everywhere.
Let $f$ be a Morse function on a one-manifold $X$.
Let $S$ be the union of the critical points of $f$ and $\partial X$.
As $S$ is finite, $X \setminus S$ consists of a finite number of one-manifolds, $L_1, L_2, \cdots, L_n$.
Lemma 2
$f$ maps each $L_i$ diffeomorphically onto an open interval in $\R$.
Lemma 3
Let $L$ be a subset of $X$ diffeomorphic to an open interval in $\R$, where $\dim X = 1$.
Then the closure $\map \cl L$ contains at most two points not in $L$.
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