Counting Theorem/Proof 1

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Every well-ordered set is order isomorphic to a unique ordinal.



Let $\struct {S, \preceq}$ be a woset.

From Condition for Woset to be Isomorphic to Ordinal‎, it is enough to show that for every $a \in S$, the initial segment $S_a$ of $S$ determined by $a$ is order isomorphic to some ordinal.


$E = \set {a \in S: S_a \text{ is not isomorphic to an ordinal} }$

We will show that $E = \O$.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that $E \ne \O$.

Let $a$ be the minimal element of $E$.

This is bound to exist by definition of woset.

So, if $x \prec a$, it follows that $S_x$ is isomorphic to an ordinal.

But for $x \prec a$, we have $S_x = \paren {S_a}_x$ from definition of an ordinal.

So every segment of $S_a$ is isomorphic to an ordinal.

Hence from Condition for Woset to be Isomorphic to Ordinal‎, $S_a$ itself is isomorphic to an ordinal.

This contradicts the supposition that $a \in E$.

Hence $E = \O$ and existence has been proved.



Uniqueness follows from Isomorphic Ordinals are Equal.

Hence the result.


Also presented as

Some sources present the Counting Theorem as the definition of an ordinal as the order type of a well-ordering.
