Definition:Closure Operator/Power Set
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Let $S$ be a set.
Let $\powerset S$ denote the power set of $S$.
A closure operator on $S$ is a mapping:
- $\cl: \powerset S \to \powerset S$
which satisfies the closure axioms as follows for all sets $X, Y \subseteq S$:
\((\text {cl} 1)\) | $:$ | $\cl$ is inflationary: | \(\ds \forall X \subseteq S:\) | \(\ds X \) | \(\ds \subseteq \) | \(\ds \map \cl X \) | |||
\((\text {cl} 2)\) | $:$ | $\cl$ is increasing: | \(\ds \forall X, Y \subseteq S:\) | \(\ds X \subseteq Y \) | \(\ds \implies \) | \(\ds \map \cl X \subseteq \map \cl Y \) | |||
\((\text {cl} 3)\) | $:$ | $\cl$ is idempotent: | \(\ds \forall X \subseteq S:\) | \(\ds \map \cl {\map \cl X} \) | \(\ds = \) | \(\ds \map \cl X \) |
- 1965: Seth Warner: Modern Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {III}$: The Natural Numbers: $\S 14$: Orderings: Exercise $14.25$
- although at this point he does not name this operator, just describes it