Definition:Cone (Geometry)

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This page is about Cone in the context of Geometry. For other uses, see Cone.


A cone is a three-dimensional geometric figure which consists of the set of all straight lines joining the boundary of a plane figure $PQR$ to a point $A$ not in the same plane of $PQR$:


Parts of Cone


The plane figure $PQR$ is called the base of the cone.


In the above diagram, the point $A$ is known as the apex of the cone.


Let $K$ be a cone.

Let $B$ be the base of $K$.

The boundary of $B$ is known as the directrix of $K$.


Let $K$ be a cone.

Let $A$ be the apex of $K$.

Let $B$ be the base of $K$.

Then a line joining the apex of $K$ to its directrix is a generatrix of $K$.

Lateral Surface

Let $K$ be a cone.

The curved area of $K$ is known as the lateral surface of $K$.


Let $K$ be a cone whose base has a center of symmetry $C$.

Let $\LL$ be the straight line from the apex of $K$ to $C$.

Then $\LL$ is known as the axis of $K$.



Let a perpendicular $AE$ be dropped from the apex of a cone to the plane containing its base.

The line segment $AE$ is an altitude of the cone.



Let a perpendicular $AE$ be dropped from the apex of a cone to the plane containing its base.

The length $h$ of the line $AE$ is the height of the cone.


Cones are classified according to the shape of the base, for example:

Circular Cone

A circular cone is a cone which has a base whose shape is a circle.

Elliptical Cone

An elliptical cone is a cone which has a base whose shape is an ellipse.

Right Cone

A right cone is a cone which has an axis which is perpendicular to its base.

Oblique Cone

An oblique cone is a cone whose apex does not intersect a perpendicular through the center of its base.

Right Circular Cone

A right circular cone is a cone:

whose base is a circle
in which there is a line perpendicular to the base through its center which passes through the apex of the cone:
which is made by having a right-angled triangle turning along one of the sides that form the right angle.

Double Napped Cone

A double napped cone is a cone where the lines joining the apex to the circumference of the base extend indefinitely in either dimension:


Also see

  • Results about cones can be found here.

Linguistic Note

The adjectival form of cone is conical.
