Definition:Discrete Topology
This page is about discrete topology in the context of topology. For other uses, see discrete.
Let $S \ne \O$ be a set.
Let $\tau = \powerset S$ be the power set of $S$.
That is, let $\tau$ be the set of all subsets of $S$:
- $\tau := \set {H: H \subseteq S}$
Then $\tau$ is called the discrete topology on $S$ and $\struct {S, \tau} = \struct {S, \powerset S}$ the discrete space on $S$, or just a discrete space.
Finite Discrete Topology
Let $S$ be a finite set.
Then $\tau = \powerset S$ is a finite discrete topology, and $\struct {S, \tau} = \struct {S, \powerset S}$ is a finite discrete space.
Infinite Discrete Topology
Let $S$ be an infinite set.
Then $\tau = \powerset S$ is an infinite discrete topology, and $\struct {S, \tau} = \struct {S, \powerset S}$ is an infinite discrete space.
Also see
- Results about discrete topologies can be found here.
Linguistic Note
Be careful with the word discrete.
A common homophone horror is to use the word discreet instead.
However, discreet means cautious or tactful, and describes somebody who is able to keep silent for political or delicate social reasons.
- 1964: Steven A. Gaal: Point Set Topology ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {I}$: Topological Spaces: $1$. Open Sets and Closed Sets
- 1975: Bert Mendelson: Introduction to Topology (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $3$: Topological Spaces: $\S 2$: Topological Spaces: Example $5$
- 1975: W.A. Sutherland: Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces ... (previous) ... (next): $3$: Continuity generalized: topological spaces: $3.1$: Topological Spaces: Example $3.1.4$
- 1978: Lynn Arthur Steen and J. Arthur Seebach, Jr.: Counterexamples in Topology (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Part $\text {II}$: Counterexamples: $1 \text { - } 3$. Discrete Topology
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): discrete space