Definition:Enumeration Operator (Recursion Theory)

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This page is about Enumeration Operator in the context of Recursion Theory. For other uses, see Enumeration Operator.


Let $\phi \subseteq \N$ be recursively enumerable.

Let $\pi : \N^2 \to \N$ be the Cantor pairing function.

Then, $\map \pi {x, y}$ codes the pair $\tuple {x, y}$.

Define the mapping $\psi : \powerset \N \to \powerset \N$ as:

$\map \psi A = \set {x \in \N : \exists \text { finite } B \subseteq A : \map \pi {x, b} \in \phi}$

where $b \in \N$ is the code number for $B$.

Then $\psi$ is an enumeration operator.

Also see
