Definition:Equivalence Relation
Let $\RR$ be a relation on a set $S$.
Definition 1
Let $\RR$ be:
- $(1): \quad$ reflexive
- $(2): \quad$ symmetric
- $(3): \quad$ transitive
Then $\RR$ is an equivalence relation on $S$.
Definition 2
$\RR$ is an equivalence relation if and only if:
- $\Delta_S \cup \RR^{-1} \cup \RR \circ \RR \subseteq \RR$
- $\Delta_S$ denotes the diagonal relation on $S$
- $\RR^{-1}$ denotes the inverse relation
- $\circ$ denotes composition of relations
Also known as
An equivalence relation is frequently referred to just as an equivalence.
However, this usage is not recommended on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$, as it can obscure clarity.
Also denoted as
When discussing equivalence relations, various notations are used for $\tuple {x, y} \in \RR$.
Examples are:
- $x \mathrel \RR y$
- $x \equiv \map y \RR$
- $x \equiv y \pmod \RR$
and so on.
Specialised equivalence relations generally have their own symbols, which can be defined as they are needed.
Such symbols include:
- $\cong$, $\equiv$, $\sim$, $\simeq$, $\approx$
Let $S$ be a set.
Let the relation $\RR$ on $S$ be defined as:
- $\forall x, y \in S: x \mathrel \RR y \iff x = y$
that is, the equality relation on $S$.
Then $\RR$ is an equivalence relation.
Same Age Relation
Let $P$ be the set of people.
Let $\sim$ be the relation on $P$ defined as:
- $\forall \tuple {x, y} \in P \times P: x \sim y \iff \text { the age of $x$ and $y$ on their last birthdays was the same}$
That is, that $x$ and $y$ are the same age.
Then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation.
Same Parents Relation
Let $P$ be the set of people.
Let $\sim$ be the relation on $P$ defined as:
- $\forall \tuple {x, y} \in P \times P: x \sim y \iff \text { both of the parents of $x$ and $y$ are the same}$
Then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation.
People with Same First Name
Let $P$ be the set of people.
Let $\sim$ be the relation on $P$ defined as:
- $\forall \tuple {x, y} \in P \times P: x \sim y \iff \text { $x$ and $y$ have the same first name}$
Then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation.
Books with Same Number of Pages
Let $P$ be the set of books.
Let $\sim$ be the relation on $P$ defined as:
- $\forall \tuple {x, y} \in P \times P: x \sim y \iff \text { $x$ and $y$ have the same number of pages}$
Then $\sim$ is an equivalence relation.
Even Sum Relation
Let $\Z$ denote the set of integers.
Let $\RR$ denote the relation on $\Z$ defined as:
- $\forall x, y \in \Z: x \mathrel \RR y \iff x + y \text { is even}$
Then $\RR$ is an equivalence relation.
The equivalence classes are:
- $\eqclass 0 \RR$
- $\eqclass 1 \RR$
Also see
- Definition:Equivalence Class
- Definition:Quotient Set
- Definition:Quotient Mapping, also known as the Definition:Canonical Surjection
- Results about equivalence relations can be found here.
- 1975: W.A. Sutherland: Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces ... (previous) ... (next): Notation and Terminology
- 1978: John S. Rose: A Course on Group Theory ... (previous) ... (next): $0$: Some Conventions and some Basic Facts
- 2002: Thomas Jech: Set Theory (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $1$: Power Set
- 2014: Christopher Clapham and James Nicholson: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (5th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): equivalence relation