Definition:Image of Subset under Mapping/Notation
Notation for Image of Subset under Mapping
In parallel with the notation $f \sqbrk X$ for the direct image mapping of $f$, $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ also employs the notation $\map {f^\to} X$.
This latter notation is used in, for example, T.S. Blyth: Set Theory and Abstract Algebra, and is referred to as the mapping induced by $f$:
- It should be noted that most mathematicians write $\map f X$ for $\map {f^\to} X$. Now it is quite clear that the mappings $f$ and $f^\to$ are not the same, so we shall retain the notation $f^\to$ to avoid confusion. ... We shall say that the mappings $f^\to$ and $f^\gets$ are the mappings which are induced on the power sets by the mapping $f$.
In a similar manner, the notation $f^{-1} \sqbrk X$, for the premage of a subset under a mapping, otherwise known as the inverse image mapping of $f$, also has the notation $\map {f^\gets} X$ used for it.
Some older sources use the notation $f \mathbin{``} X$ or $\map {f' '} X$ for $f \sqbrk X$.
Sources which use the notation $s f$ for $\map f s$ may also use $S f$ or $S^f$ for $f \sqbrk S$.
Some authors do not bother to make the distinction between the image of an element and the image set of a subset, and use the same notation for both:
- The notation is bad but not catastrophic. What is bad about it is that if $A$ happens to be both an element of $X$ and a subset of $X$ (an unlikely situation, but far from an impossible one), then the symbol $\map f A$ is ambiguous. Does it mean the value of $f$ at $A$ or does it mean the set of values of $f$ at the elements of $A$? Following normal mathematical custom, we shall use the bad notation, relying on context, and, on the rare occasions when it is necessary, adding verbal stipulations, to avoid confusion.
- -- 1960: Paul R. Halmos: Naive Set Theory
Similarly, Allan Clark: Elements of Abstract Algebra, which uses the notation $f x$ for what $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ denotes as $\map f x$, also uses $f X$ for $f \sqbrk X$ without comment on the implications.
In the same way does John D. Dixon: Problems in Group Theory provide us with $S^f$ for $f \sqbrk S$ as an alternative to $\map f S$, again making no notational distinction between the image of the subset and the image of the element.
On $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ this point of view is not endorsed.
Some authors recognise the confusion, and call attention to it, but don't actually do anything about it:
- In this way we obtain a map from the set $\powerset X$ of subsets of $X$ to $\powerset Y$; this map is still denoted by $f$, although strictly speaking it should be given a different name.
- -- 1970: B. Hartley and T.O. Hawkes: Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra
The above discussion applies equally well to classes as to sets.
- 1951: Nathan Jacobson: Lectures in Abstract Algebra: Volume $\text { I }$: Basic Concepts ... (previous) ... (next): Introduction $\S 2$: Product sets, mappings
- 1960: Paul R. Halmos: Naive Set Theory ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 8$: Functions
- 1967: John D. Dixon: Problems in Group Theory ... (previous) ... (next): Introduction: Notation
- 1970: B. Hartley and T.O. Hawkes: Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 2.2$: Homomorphisms
- 1971: Allan Clark: Elements of Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $1$: Mappings: $\S 11$
- 1975: T.S. Blyth: Set Theory and Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 5$. Induced mappings; composition; injections; surjections; bijections
- 1996: Winfried Just and Martin Weese: Discovering Modern Set Theory. I: The Basics ... (previous) ... (next): Part $1$: Not Entirely Naive Set Theory: Chapter $1$: Pairs, Relations, and Functions: Mathographical Remarks
- 2010: Raymond M. Smullyan and Melvin Fitting: Set Theory and the Continuum Problem (revised ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $6$: Order Isomorphism and Transfinite Recursion: $\S 1$ A few preliminaries: Definition $1.1$