Definition:Inverse Hyperbolic Function/Notation

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Notation for Inverse Hyperbolic Function

In general, the inverse hyperbolic functions are multifunctions.

When used in their multifunction form, the notation of choice on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ for the inverse of a hyperbolic function $\operatorname h$ is $\operatorname h^{-1}$.

When the area hyperbolic function is specifically required, the following prefixes are used:

$\text {ar}$ for the real inverse hyperbolic functions
$\text {Ar}$ for the complex inverse hyperbolic functions

where $\text{ar}$ is an abbreviation for area.

The prefix $\text {arc}$, borrowing from the notation for the inverse trigonometric functions, is often seen to mean the same thing, but this is erroneous.

$\text{ar}$ is an abbreviation for area hyperbolic function, which is another name for an inverse hyperbolic function.

The forms $\sinh^{-1}$ and $\Sinh^{-1}$, and so on, are often seen in the literature for the area hyperbolic form, that is, as a single-value function.

This can cause confusion, for the following reasons:

$(1): \quad \sinh^{-1}$, for example, can be conflated with $\dfrac 1 {\sinh}$, as it conflicts with the similar notation $\sinh^2 x$ which means $\paren {\sinh x}^2$, and so on.
$(2): \quad h^{-1}$ is strictly interpreted as the inverse of a mapping, and for such hyperbolic functions that are not bijective, such inverses are not actually mappings.

Hence $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ uses the notation $\text{ar-}$ or $\text{Ar-}$ for the area hyperbolic functions in preference to all others.