Definition:Operation/Binary Operation/Postfix Notation
Let $\circ: S \times T \to U$ be a binary operation.
The convention that places the symbol for the operation after the two operands:
- $z = x y \mathop \circ$
is called postfix notation.
In infix notation it would be presented as: $z = x \circ y$
Example: $2 3 +$
The expression:
- $2 3 \mathop +$
represents what would be written in infix notation as:
- $2 + 3$
Example: $3 4 \times 2 +$
The expression:
- $3 4 \mathop \times 2 \mathop +$
represents what would be written in infix notation as:
- $\paren {3 \times 4} + 2$
Example: $2 3 + 4 \times$
The expression:
- $2 3 \mathop + 4 \mathop \times$
represents what would be written in infix notation as:
- $\paren {2 + 3} \times 4$
Example $1$ of Use of Łukasiewicz's Notation
Jan Łukasiewicz's Polish notation for propositional logic can also be implemented in its reverse Polish form.
- $p q \operatorname K$
can be used to express the conjunction:
- $p \land q$
which would be expressed in Polish notation as:
- $\operatorname K p q$
Example $2$ of Use of Łukasiewicz's Notation
Jan Łukasiewicz's Polish notation for propositional logic can also be implemented in its reverse Polish form.
Hence the expression in postfix notation:
- $p q \operatorname K p q \operatorname N \operatorname A \operatorname C$
can be used to express the compound statement:
- $\paren {p \land q} \implies \paren {p \lor \lnot q}$
which would be expressed in prefix notation as:
- $\operatorname C \operatorname K p q \operatorname A p \operatorname N q$
Also known as
Postfix notation is also known as reverse Polish notation.
Some sources, on introducing this notation, implement parenthesis in order to clarify and distinguish the operator from the operands:
- $\tuple {x, y} \circ$
Also see
- Results about postfix notation can be found here.
Historical Note
Postfix notation, along with its variant prefix notation, was developed by a group of Polish mathematicians, led by Jan Łukasiewicz, who invented it in the $1920$s.
Hence they are often referred to as reverse Polish notation and Polish notation respectively.
For stack-based programming languages, postfix notation naturally coincides with how the input is to be structured for the language.
Hence it has historically been used for implementation on digital computers, and has also been used on some pocket calculators.
- 1993: M. Ben-Ari: Mathematical Logic for Computer Science ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $2$: Propositional Calculus: $\S 2.2$: Propositional formulas
- 1996: H. Jerome Keisler and Joel Robbin: Mathematical Logic and Computability ... (previous) ... (next): Appendix $\text{A}.8$: Cartesian Product
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): postfix notation (reverse Polish notation)
- 2009: Kenneth Kunen: The Foundations of Mathematics ... (previous) ... (next): $\mathrm{II}.4$ Polish Notation
- 2012: M. Ben-Ari: Mathematical Logic for Computer Science (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 2.1.3$
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- 2009: Kenneth Kunen: The Foundations of Mathematics ... (previous) ... (next): $\mathrm{II}.4$ Polish Notation