Definition:Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
Let $\Bbb I = \closedint a b$ be a closed real interval.
Let $f, \alpha : \Bbb I \to \R$ be a real functions that are bounded on $\Bbb I$.
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Then, $f$ is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to $\alpha$ on $\closedint a b$ if and only if:
- there exists some $A \in \R$ such that, for every $\epsilon > 0$, there is a finite subdivision $P_\epsilon$ of $\Bbb I$ such that:
- for every Riemann-Stieltjes sum $\map S {P, f, \alpha}$ of $f$ with respect to $\alpha$ for a subdivision $P$, where $P$ is finer than $P_\epsilon$:
- $\size {\map S {P, f, \alpha} - A} < \epsilon$
- for every Riemann-Stieltjes sum $\map S {P, f, \alpha}$ of $f$ with respect to $\alpha$ for a subdivision $P$, where $P$ is finer than $P_\epsilon$:
The real number $A$ is called the Riemann-Stieltjes integral of $f$ with respect to $\alpha$ on $\closedint a b$, and is denoted:
- $\ds A = \int_a^b f \rd \alpha = \int_a^b \map f x \rd \map \alpha x$
General Limits of Integration
The notation for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral:
- $\ds A = \int_a^b f \rd \alpha = \int_a^b \map f x \rd \map \alpha x$
is defined for $a < b$.
We extend it to arbitrary $a, b \in \R$ by the following conventions.
If $a = b$, then:
- $\ds \int_a^b f \rd \alpha = \int_a^b \map f x \rd \map \alpha x := 0$
If $a > b$, then:
- $\ds \int_a^b f \rd \alpha = \int_a^b \map f x \rd \map \alpha x := - \int_b^a f \rd \alpha$
whenever $f$ is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to $\alpha$ on $\closedint b a$.
Also see
- Results about the Riemann-Stieltjes integral can be found here.
Source of Name
This entry was named for Bernhard Riemann and Thomas Joannes Stieltjes.
- 1974: Tom M. Apostol: Mathematical Analysis (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $7$ The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral: $\S 7.3$: Definition $7.1$