Equivalence of Definitions of Interior (Topology)
The following definitions of the concept of interior in the context of topology are equivalent:
Let $\struct {T, \tau}$ be a topological space.
Let $H \subseteq T$.
Definition 1
The interior of $H$ is the union of all subsets of $H$ which are open in $T$.
That is, the interior of $H$ is defined as:
- $\ds H^\circ := \bigcup_{K \mathop \in \mathbb K} K$
where $\mathbb K = \set {K \in \tau: K \subseteq H}$.
Definition 2
The interior of $H$ is defined as the largest open set of $T$ which is contained in $H$.
Definition 3
The interior of $H$ is the set of all interior points of $H$.
Definition $1$ is equivalent to Definition $2$
Let $\mathbb K$ be defined as:
- $\mathbb K := \set {K \in \tau: K \subseteq H}$
That is, let $\mathbb K$ be the set of all open sets of $T$ contained in $H$.
Then from definition 1 of the interior of $H$, we have:
- $\ds H^\circ = \bigcup_{K \mathop \in \mathbb K} K$
That is, $H^\circ$ is the union of all the open sets of $T$ contained in $H$.
Let $K \subseteq T$ such that $K$ is open in $T$ and $K \subseteq H$.
That is, let $K \in \mathbb K$.
Then from Subset of Union it follows directly that $K \subseteq H^\circ$.
So any open set in $T$ contained in $H$ is a subset of $H^\circ$, and so $H^\circ$ is the largest open set of $T$ contained in $H$.
That is, $H^\circ$ is also the interior of $H$ by definition 2.
Hence both definitions are equivalent.
Definition $1$ is equivalent to Definition $3$
\(\ds x\) | \(\in\) | \(\ds \bigcup_{K \in \mathbb K} K\) | ||||||||||||
\(\ds \leadstoandfrom \ \ \) | \(\ds \exists K \in \mathbb K: \, \) | \(\ds x\) | \(\in\) | \(\ds K\) | Definition of Union of Set of Sets | |||||||||
\(\ds \leadstoandfrom \ \ \) | \(\ds \exists K \subseteq H: \, \) | \(\ds K\) | \(\in\) | \(\ds \tau \wedge x \in K\) | Definition of $\mathbb K$ | |||||||||
\(\ds \leadstoandfrom \ \ \) | \(\ds \) | \(\) | \(\ds x \text{ is an interior point of } H\) | Definition of Interior Point (Topology) |
- $\ds \bigcup_{K \mathop \in \mathbb K} K = \set {x \mid \text {$x$ is an interior point of $H$} }$
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- 1978: Lynn Arthur Steen and J. Arthur Seebach, Jr.: Counterexamples in Topology (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Part $\text I$: Basic Definitions: Section $1$: General Introduction: Closures and Interiors