Equivalence of Definitions of Totally Pathwise Disconnected Space

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The following definitions of the concept of Totally Pathwise Disconnected Space are equivalent:

Definition 1

A topological space $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ is totally pathwise disconnected if and only if all path components of $T$ are singletons.

Definition 2

A topological space $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ is totally pathwise disconnected if and only if the only continuous mappings from the closed unit interval $\closedint 0 1$ to $T$ are constant mappings.


Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a totally pathwise disconnected space by definition 1.

That is:

all path components of $T$ are singletons.

By definition of path component, this means there are no two points $x, y \in S$ such that there exists a path between $x$ and $y$.

By definition of path, this means the only paths in $T$ are from a single point to that single point.

That is, that the paths in $T$ are constant mappings.

By definition of path:

the only continuous mappings from the closed unit interval $\closedint 0 1$ to $T$ are constant mappings.

That is the definition of a totally pathwise disconnected space by definition 2.


Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a totally pathwise disconnected space by definition 2.

That is:

the only continuous mappings from the closed unit interval $\closedint 0 1$ to $T$ are constant mappings.

That is, that the paths in $T$ are constant mappings.

That is, the path components are singletons.

That is the definition of a totally pathwise disconnected space by definition 1.

