Finite Group has Composition Series
Let $G$ be a finite group.
Then $G$ has a composition series.
Proof 1
Let $G$ be a finite group whose identity is $e$.
Either $G$ has a proper non-trivial normal subgroup or it does not.
If not, then:
- $\set e \lhd G$
is the composition series for $G$.
Otherwise, $G$ has one or more proper non-trivial normal subgroup.
Of these, one or more will have a maximum order.
Select one of these and call it $G_1$.
Again, either $G_1$ has a proper non-trivial normal subgroup or it does not.
If not, then:
- $\set e \lhd G_1 \lhd G$
is a composition series for $G$.
By the Jordan-Hölder Theorem, there can be no other composition series which is longer. As $G_1$ is a proper subgroup of $G$:
- $\order {G_1} < \order G$
where $\order G$ denotes the order of $G$.
Again, if $G_1$ has one or more proper non-trivial normal subgroup, one or more will have a maximum order.
Select one of these and call it $G_2$.
Thus we form a normal series:
- $\set e \lhd G_2 \lhd G_1 \lhd G$
The process can be repeated, and at each stage a normal subgroup is added to the series of a smaller
order than the previous one.
This process cannot continue infinitely.
Eventually a $G_n$ will be encountered which has no proper non-trivial normal subgroup.
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Thus a composition series:
- $\set e \lhd G_n \cdots \lhd G_2 \lhd G_1 \lhd G$
will be the result.
Proof 2
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Let $G$ be a finite group whose identity is $e_G$. We shall use induction on $|G|$. If $G$ is trivial ($|G|=1$), then its composition series is
- $G=\{e_G\}$.
Suppose $G$ has a composition series if $|G|<n$, then it suffices to construct a composition series for $G$ with order $n$. If $G$ is simple, then its composition series is
- $G\supsetneq \{e_G\}$.
Otherwise, $G$ has one or more proper non-trivial normal subgroup. Let $S$ denote the set of all non-trivial normal proper subgroup of $G$. Notice that $S$ is non-empty, ordered by inclusion, and $G$ is an upper bound of every chain in $S$, then by Zorn's lemma, $S$ has at least one maximal element, denoted $H$. Since $H\in S$, $H$ is a non-trivial normal proper subgroup of $G$, in particular, $|H|<|G|$, so by the induction hypothesis, $H$ has a composition series. Now we have
- $G\supsetneq H\supsetneq H_1\supsetneq \cdots \supsetneq H_n\supsetneq \{e_G\}$.
In order to show that it is indeed a composition series of $G$, it suffices to check that $G/H$ is simple, which is a direct consequence of the maximal property of $H$, so we are done. $\blacksquare$
- 1971: Allan Clark: Elements of Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $2$: Normal and Composition Series: $\S 73 \alpha$