Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/254 - The Flanders Wheel/Solution/Mistake

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1932: Henry Ernest Dudeney: Puzzles and Curious Problems:

Moving Counter Problems
$254$ -- The Flanders Wheel


Move the counters in the following order: $\text {A N D A F L N D A F D N L D R S D L N A F R S E R S L N A L L}$ -- $30$ moves in all.

There is an extra $\text L$ at the end.

The list of moves should read:

$\text {A N D A F L N D A F D N L D R S D L N A F R S E R S L N A L}$

This mistake has been corrected in Martin Gardner's republication of this as puzzle $379$ in 536 Puzzles & Curious Problems.
