Independence System Induced from Set of Subsets

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Let $S$ be a finite set.

Let $\mathscr A$ be a non-empty set of subsets of $S$.

Let $\mathscr I = \set{X \subseteq S : \exists A \in \mathscr A : X \subseteq A}$.


$\struct{S, \mathscr I}$ is an independence system


It is shown that $\mathscr I$ satisfies the independence system axioms.

Independence Axiom $(\text I 1)$

We have $\mathscr A$ is non-empty.

Let $A \in \mathscr A$.

From Empty Set is Subset of All Sets:

$\O \subseteq A$

By definition of $\mathscr I$:

$\O \in \mathscr I$

It follows that $\mathscr I$ satisfies the independence system axiom $(\text I 1)$ by definition.


Independence Axiom $(\text I 2)$

Let $X \in \mathscr I$.

Let $Y \subseteq X$.

By definition of $\mathscr I$:

$\exists A \in \mathscr A : X \subseteq A$

From Subset Relation is Transitive:

$Y \subseteq A$

By definition of $\mathscr I$:

$Y \in \mathscr I$

It follows that $\mathscr I$ satisfies the independence system axiom $(\text I 2)$ by definition.


Hence $\mathscr I$ satisfies the independence system axioms and so $\struct{S, \mathscr I}$ is an independence system by definition.
