Roman Number Wordplay/9 from 6, 10 from 9, 50 from 40

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If from six ye take nine, and from nine ye take ten
(Ye youths, now the mystery explain),
And if fifty from forty be taken, there then,
Shall just half a dozen remain.


\(\ds \mathtt {SIX}\) \(\) \(\ds \)
\(\ds \text {minus} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt {IX}\) \(\) \(\ds \) $9$ expressed in Roman numerals
\(\ds \text {leaves} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt {S}\) \(\) \(\ds \)

\(\ds \mathtt {IX}\) \(\) \(\ds \) $9$ expressed in Roman numerals
\(\ds \text {minus} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt X\) \(\) \(\ds \) $10$ expressed in Roman numerals
\(\ds \text {leaves} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt {I}\) \(\) \(\ds \)

\(\ds \mathtt {XL}\) \(\) \(\ds \) $40$ expressed in Roman numerals
\(\ds \text {minus} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt L\) \(\) \(\ds \) $50$ expressed in Roman numerals
\(\ds \text {leaves} \ \ \) \(\ds \mathtt X\) \(\) \(\ds \)

Putting them together gives:

