Subset of Real Numbers is Interval iff Connected
Let the real number line $\R$ be considered as a topological space.
Let $S$ be a subspace of $\R$.
Then $S$ is connected if and only if $S$ is an interval of $\R$.
That is, the only subspaces of $\R$ that are connected are intervals.
From Rule of Transposition, we may replace the only if statement by its contrapositive.
Therefore, the following suffices:
Sufficient Condition
Suppose $S$ is an interval of $\R$.
Suppose further that $A \mid B$ is a separation of $S$.
Let $a \in A, b \in B$.
Without loss of generality, suppose that $a < b$.
Since $a, b \in S$, and $S$ is an interval, $\closedint a b \subseteq S$.
Let $A' = A \cap \closedint a b$ and $B' = B \cap \closedint a b$.
\(\ds A' \cup B'\) | \(=\) | \(\ds \paren {A \cap \closedint a b} \cup \paren {B \cap \closedint a b}\) | ||||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(=\) | \(\ds \paren {A \cup B} \cap \closedint a b\) | Intersection Distributes over Union | |||||||||||
\(\text {(1)}: \quad\) | \(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) | \(\ds A' \cup B'\) | \(=\) | \(\ds \closedint a b\) | Intersection with Subset is Subset |
By the definition of a separation, both $A$ and $B$ are closed in $S$.
Hence by Closed Set in Topological Subspace, $A'$ and $B'$ are also closed in $\closedint a b$.
From Closed Set in Topological Subspace: Corollary, $A'$ and $B'$ are closed in $\R$.
Now, since $B' \ne \O$, and $B$ is bounded below (by, for example, $a$), by the Continuum Property $b' := \map \inf {B'}$ exists, and $b' \ge a$.
We have that $B'$ is closed in $\R$
Hence from Closure of Real Interval is Closed Real Interval:
- $b' \in B'$
Since $a \in A'$ and $A \cap B = \O$, it follows that $b' > a$.
Now let $A = A' \cap \closedint a {b'}$.
Using the same argument as for $B'$, we have that $a = \map \sup {A}$ exists, that $a \in A$ and also $a < b'$.
Now $\openint {a} {b'} \cap A' = \O$ or $a$ would not be an upper bound for $A$.
Similarly, $\openint {a} {b'} \cap B' = \O$ or $b'$ would not be a lower bound for $B$.
- $\openint {a} {b'} \cap \paren {A' \cup B'} = \O$
But since $a < a < b' < b$, we also have:
- $\openint {a} {b'} \subseteq \closedint a b$, and
- $\openint {a} {b'}$ is non-empty.
So, there is an element $z \in \openint {a} {b'}$, and hence in $\closedint a b$, which is not in $A' \cup B'$.
This contradicts $(1)$ above, which says that we have $A' \cup B' = \closedint a b$.
From this contradiction it follows that there can be no such separation $A \mid B$ on the interval $S$.
Therefore, by definition, $S$ is connected.
Necessary Condition
Suppose $S$ is not an interval of $\R$.
Then $\exists x, y \in S$ and $z \in \R \setminus S$ such that $x < z < y$.
Consider the sets $S \cap \openint \gets z$ and $S \cap \openint z \to$.
Then $S \cap \openint \gets z$ and $S \cap \openint z \to$ are open by definition of the subspace topology on $S$.
Neither is empty because they contain $x$ and $y$ respectively.
They are disjoint, and their union is $S$, since $z \notin S$.
Therefore $S \cap \openint \gets z \mid S \cap \openint z \to$ is a separation of $S$.
It follows by definition that $S$ is disconnected.
- 1975: W.A. Sutherland: Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces ... (previous) ... (next): $6.2$: Connectedness: Theorem $6.2.7$, $6.2.8$