Symbols:Symbolic Logic
Symbols used in Symbolic Logic
- $\land$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \land Q$ means $P$ is true and $Q$ is also true.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \land Q\) is P \land Q
or P \wedge Q
- $\lor$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \lor Q$ means either $P$ is true or $Q$ is true, or both.
Its technical term is vel.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \lor Q\) is P \lor Q
or P \vee Q
- $\implies$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \implies Q$ means if $P$ is true, then $Q$ is true.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \implies Q\) is P \implies Q
- $\iff$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \iff Q$ means $P$ is true if and only if $Q$ is true.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \iff Q\) is P \iff Q
Logical Negation
- $\neg$
A unary operator on a proposition.
$\neg Q$ means not $Q$, the logical opposite (negation) of $Q$.
The effect of the unary operator $\neg$ is to reverse the truth value of the statement following it.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\neg Q\) is \neg Q
or \lnot Q
- $\uparrow$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \uparrow Q$ means not both $P$ and $Q$ together.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \uparrow Q\) is P \uparrow Q
- $\downarrow$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \downarrow Q$ means neither $P$ nor $Q$.
The symbol is named the Quine arrow, after Willard Van Orman Quine.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \downarrow Q\) is P \downarrow Q
- $\top$
Top is a constant of propositional logic interpreted to mean the canonical, undoubted tautology whose truth nobody could possibly ever question.
The symbol used is $\top$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\top\) is \top
- $\bot$
Bottom is a constant of propositional logic interpreted to mean the canonical, undoubted contradiction whose falsehood nobody could possibly ever question.
The symbol used is $\bot$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\bot\) is \bot
- $\vdash$
If statement $p$ logically implies statement $q$, then we may say:
- $p$, therefore $q$
and denote it:
- $p \vdash q$
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(p \vdash q\) is p \vdash q
- $\nec$
The necessity operator $\nec$ is the unary modal operator defined for some proposition $P$ dependent on some world $w$:
- $\nec P : \iff \forall w: \map P w$
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\nec\) is \nec
- $\nec$
The possibility operator $\pos$ is the unary modal operator defined for some proposition $P$ dependent on some world $w$:
- $\pos P : \iff \exists w: \map P w$
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\nec\) is \nec
Deprecated Symbols
This page contains symbols which may or may not be in current use, but are either non-standard in mathematics or have been superseded by their more modern variants.
Texts on logic often tend to use these symbols in preference to those used in mathematics.
However, on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ the intention is to present a consistent style, and so these symbols are to be considered deprecated.
- $\therefore$
If statement $p$ logically implies statement $q$, then we may say:
- $p$, therefore $q$
and denote it:
- $p \therefore q$
An alternative to $p \vdash q$, the preferred notation on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(p \therefore q\) is p \therefore q
- $\cdot$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \cdot Q$ means $P$ is true and $Q$ is true.
In this usage, it is called dot.
An alternative to $P \land Q$, usually used by logicians.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \cdot Q\) is P \cdot Q
- $\&$
$P \mathop \& Q$ means $P$ is true and $Q$ is true.
An alternative to $P \land Q$, which is what is usually used by logicians.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \mathop \& Q\) is P \mathop \& Q
or P \mathop \And Q
- $+$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P + Q$ means either $P$ is true or $Q$ is true or both.
An alternative to $P \lor Q$, which is what is usually used by logicians.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P + Q\) is P + Q
- $-$
A unary operation on a proposition.
$-Q$ means $Q$ is not true.
An alternative to $\neg$, which is what is usually used by logicians.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(-Q\) is -Q
- $\to$
An alternative to $P \implies Q$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \to Q\) is P \to Q
- $\supset$
An alternative to $P \implies Q$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \supset Q\) is P \supset Q
Double Arrow
- $\leftrightarrow$
An alternative to $P \iff Q$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \leftrightarrow Q\) is P \leftrightarrow Q
- $\equiv$
An alternative to $P \equiv Q$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \equiv Q\) is P \equiv Q
- $\sim$
A unary operation on a proposition.
$\sim Q$ means $Q$ is not true.
An alternative to $\neg$, which is what is usually used by logicians.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\sim Q\) is \sim Q
Sheffer Stroke
- $\mid$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \mid Q$ means not both $P$ and $Q$ together
This is known as the Sheffer stroke.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \mid Q\) is P \mid Q
Modified Ampheck
- $P \mathop {\bar \curlywedge} Q$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \mathop {\bar \curlywedge} Q$ means not both $P$ and $Q$ together.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \mathop {\bar \curlywedge} Q\) is P \mathop {\bar \curlywedge} Q
- $\curlywedge$
A binary operation on two propositions.
$P \curlywedge Q$ means neither $P$ nor $Q$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(P \curlywedge Q\) is P \curlywedge Q