Talk:Linear Subspace is Subset of Double Annihilator

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The notation $\paren { {}^\bot N}^\bot$ is weird and inconsistent. Why is the $\bot$ before the $N$ but after the ${}^\bot N$? Worth a Notation section to explain it. --prime mover (talk) 23:07, 27 June 2023 (UTC)

This is the notation Rudin uses. $N_\bot$ is also (possibly more) standard notation that appears elsewhere, if you would prefer this. It would then be $\paren {N_\bot}^\bot$. Caliburn (talk) 07:30, 28 June 2023 (UTC)
As I say, worth either a "Notation" page or an "Also denoted as" page, or something, so as to explain this. --prime mover (talk) 07:31, 28 June 2023 (UTC)